Most of the stuff I do you can find on my GitHub. My Google Play apps can be found on this page.


🎮 15 Puzzle

A classic 15 puzzle game for Android

🎮 Fifteen

A new version of 15 Puzzle app

⚒️ adbc

Command line wrapper for adb with device selection dialog

🎮 Shisen-Sho

Shisen-Sho for Android.

📱 lnch

Android launcher without icons

💬 Sample Voice Bot

TTS Telegram bot

⚒️ mitmproxy addons

Useful addons for

⚒️ adapter-delegates

Android library for RecyclerView adapters

📖 Dictionary

Android app for translating words and viewing information about them


Custom Lint Rules

A talk of how to write custom rules for Android Lint at Mobius 2019 Moscow

The pitfalls of creating a launcher app

A brief overview of Android launcher functionality and problems developers can face (given at Tinkoff Android meet-up #2)